Post 365 - 1.1.12

Post 365 - 1.1.12 by
Post 365 - 1.1.12, a photo by on Flickr.
You know that you have friends if you return home from a short trip to a neighbour village and they (Martin and Peter) are sitting in our livingroom with a grin.
Peter and Martin are running the foto© thing with me - and we meet every second week to learn to light and shoot (Basel Strobists). They are my honest critics (I hope…) and push and support me as I do them. They have made this awesome poster for me (A0 Size) with all my pictures on it and braught a champagne - I am so touched, you guys! I didn't even know you could be so sweet :-)))
Thank you for following all my ideas and plans and so on.

I am very open for more noce things to hapen after this 365 project has ended and will post relating things happening here.

And I planed to do a 365 + 1 fotography, just to give it one extra.

Light: Look into the bottle - SB26 at 14mm, 1/8 power through a shoot through umbrella, skyport.


31.12.11 by
31.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Good buy everybody.
Thank you for following me and helping me get over this year. My brain is full of new projects, but I will try to hold it back until a few days have passed. Jumping of joy and not looking back.

Light: SB26/SB24 full power from 12:00 and obove my head. Skyports.


30.12.11 by
30.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Big lights on me - I am 1 day from finishing my 365 project and I am proud of myself - I had no clue if I would make it when I started. Lights have been with me all the way and I baught some new ones on my way to here. Actually, I have more lightformers than flashes (5!) at the moment, the apollo softbox, several snoots and strawgrids and the lumiquest III are missing as are some lightstands and a DIY california sunbounce (and not speaking about the beauty dish, which should be on the way to me from china…). I think I can get quit involved in things like this :-)
So for this picture I dicided to get a lot of my gear performing (I almost forgot about this octa, which was in the guest room the whole year I think) incl. a strong boom. And yes Bettina, I am wearing shoes in the kitchen, slippers just don't look very professional;-).

Making of here.

Light: SB26 in a 50cm Ezybox copy, 1/16 infront of me, SB 26 at 1/16 in a flash2softbox 50 x 70cm on my right,
SB24 at 1/8 in a 90cm octa behind me, 430EX at 1/8 in a 75cm lastolite Ezybox on my left, 580EX at 1/8 in a DIY Minibeautydish on my lap, SB26 optical triggered, other three skyports


29.12.11 by
29.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Uli - my 84 year old father-in-law, who lives just next door with Vera (see 1.7.11). He was not pictured yet in my 365 project, so it is 3 to 365 to catch up with that. I wanted to do a McNally inspired photography and received his new book today. I understood the concept of the windy portrait but how stupid can I be after a year of daily strobist work? - McNally did a slow exposure (1/8th of a sec) to catch the wind moving the hair. It was windy and I did the same (1/8th), but it was night - no ambient to show the wind moven hair - got it? I got it. Therefore I put some clouds in the background from an earlier shot today and will have to definitely learn photoshop or gimp or something, masking this hair out with PSE 6 was a pain and I am not satisfied with the result, but maybe there would have been a better way and somebody can tell me how?

Light: SB26 ¼ power, 24mm in a 60cm gridded Ezybox at 8:00 turned a tag away from subject,
SB26 bare 85mm, 1/64 power from 1,5m behind his head, Skyports


28.12.11 by
28.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

The three kings find the christmas crib with the help of my new iPad (and the map app).

Light: 580EX ¼ power, 24mm, in a 60cm gridded softbox pointing straight ahead 20cm above the table, 8:00, skyport, long exposure for the iPad picture (made with a handheld lumiquest III on a ETTL wire from 8:00, -1ev), Skyport


27.12.11 by
27.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

It is good to have a guardian angel looking after you and your family. Mybe a icecooled or a little develish one.

Light: 580EX on a ETTL cable with ¼ CTS, -1,6 ev, from 45° right, SB26 at 1/16 with red gel and just the glas ice cube left open, gaffer tape flagging the rest and the shadow wing, optical trigger (glascube lying on the flash)


26.12.11 by
26.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

As often I start writing my christmas cards after christmas. Of course it is strobist card of our family. The time before christmas is often full of stress. So now I have time (holidays) and wish everybody relaxing holidays.

Making of here.

Light: 580EX with ¼ CTS, 24mm, ¼ power, 60cm ezybox with grid, 5:00, 1,7m high, pointing straight down, skyport
2 SB26 with DIY striplight at 3:00 and 9:00 with flags towards camera, optical triggered


25.12.11 by
25.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.
Xmasday with Bettinas parents for dinner, after my sisters family had sleped over night at our place. So there was quite a bit of cooking etc to be done today. An old lady (my former business landlord) gave me this music dose for the kids - we parents never liked it and wanted to throw it away several times. So I had to build it into todays shot. I wanted to see the tree in it upside down or something, but no refelctions. So I shot a low lux shot (everything was shot with candle lite) and did some vintage film effects on it.
Happy Christmas everybody.

Ligh: 1 Candle (=1 lux?) 8:00 of music dose, candles on the tree


24.12.11 by
24.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Our traditional christmas singing has changed over the last few years. Nowadays the children (my sisters children Yanik and Benjamin and our boys Simon and Lias) have taken over the lead with oboe, recorder, electric piano etc. - and as usual the grand parents have to applaud.

Light: 580EX with ¾ CTS, manual camera, ETTL flash - 1ev, black foamy thing flagging the subjects, bouncing the flash from on camera over the wall at 8:00


23.12.11 by
23.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.
I met an angel today - Luzia (what a name for an angel…). My two sons (Simon and Lias) and I where lost in a shopping mall today. Instead of a short food shooping around the corner we ended up spending our afternoon in different shops in this overheated mall. The heat made us feel feeverish - do you know that effect? I saw Luzia, who was painting faces for free in this practical working clothes with wings and everything (dispite it beeing white anyway). She probably had been doing that all afternoon and was still white. She was so polite to model for me and put some lipstick on extra for this shoot - it turned out that she knows what she is doing, because she sometimes returns to earth as a visagiste. Thank you for helping me  and eight more to go. I feel the preasure to perform miracles infront of the finishing line but don't want to ruine family christmas by doing so… and need some ideas to pop up aswell.

Light: 430EX going up to the high ceiling with +0.67ev, ETTL and a hand as better bounce card, triggering a SB26 optically with a ¼ CTS, 1/16 power, 24mm handheld by Simon at 3:00


22.12.11 by
22.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

On my way home after a nice xmas business dinner. I had no tripod with my and no triggers, so a walked around and built my tripod with a table and a unfoldable plastic box (which collapsed once - gladly the 5D is pro design and survived the crash with the table from 50cm).
The flash is triggered with a on camera flash, which is dialed way down and half snooted with the foamy black thing.

Light: 430EX on camera, 1/64, 105mm, foamy black thing shilding it away from me, SB26 optical triggered, 1/32, 24mm, white balance on 3800K.


21.12.11 by
21.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Be aware that a 365 project can keep you up late at night - and you may end up going to bed alone. This has become a routine and I am looking forward to the end of the 365 in that aspect.
I am so tired I will leave the blown whites in this shot as they are. Good night to you people out there.

Light: SB26 ¼ power, 85 mm on the nighttable 9:00, SB26 in a ultrabounce (like a plastic cup) lying on the floor below me to light the door, 1/8 power, 24mm, skyports


20.12.11 by
20.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

I am working on my todo lists (see 18.12.11) - and it is getting late latly. So you get a quicker shot without a cookie (related to light), they are homemade by us.

Light: Cookies are lying on a lumiquest III, SB26 at 1/16 power in it, conturing light is coming from 10:00 from a SB26 with CTO (do you see the purple rims on the bear? - camera is on tungsten…), 1/16 power, 85mm, handheld, Skyport


19.12.11 by
19.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Ready to dive into christmas.
This is the front garden of a neighbor a few houses away. I was shooting when Diana (the neighbor) arrived home - and I quickly hid my snokel and diving mask - feeling, that it would be quite hard to understand what I am doing in her front garden with it in a cold night like this.
Yes, we have very little snow now. And yes, a diving mask warms the face, if you wear it in these kind of conditions.

Light: SB26 with CTO, 24mm, ¼ power in a 60cm Ezybox from 8:00, 1,5m high, pointing down on me, skyport


18.12.11 by
18.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

To many to do lists - do you know that feeling? I am trying to sort out the important followed by the urgent tasks to do before xmas holidays and don't know how to get them done till christmas. At least they give me a picture.

Manual lens here: SMC Takumar 50mm, f1,4 at f 8 (don't believe all the EXIFS you see)

Light: 430EX at full power, 24mm, in a 76cm Ezybox (I fixed it today) with grid from 40cm above the lamps, 5:00, skyport


17.12.11 by
17.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

We have this star hanging around during christmas time - I think it is handmade and Marc gave it to us as a souvenir from Barcelona (maybe I am completely wrong). I like it (it is a lightformer).
December is turining out to be realy tough idea, motivation and time wise. I am so close to the end (14 days) and it is getting heavier instead of lighter. But for tonight Bettina is my star. Thank you for supporting me so far.

Light: AL


16.12.11 by
16.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Alexandre saved me five to twelve. I was a day with hurrican force winds and rain and cold. I was standing at a unusual friday place at the tram station, because it has a roof. Nobody wanted to model and I was not very enthusiastic about it either. But at last I started to talk with Alexandre and he was so impressed with my stubborness to make a shot per day since 1.1.11 that he opted to stand in as my model today. We made four shots. Then I had to pack up to fetch Lias from athletics and he had to pic up his daughter from a retirement home (get that first…).
Thank you Alexandre (and send me a mail, if you want your picture), I thaught that this friday I woulden't find a model for the first time - and actually it was my last friday in Therwil - Lias training ended for this year.
Light setup sepecially choosen for a windy day.

Light: 580EX ¼ power, 105mm, ¼ CTS in a Orbis, SB26 with CTB and diffuser against black wall behind him, 1/8 power, 20mm, skyports


15.12.11 by
15.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

foto©ooperation is trying a group setup here. Peter tried to eat his lenscap, Martin forgot to remove them (maybe Canon is to complicated for him ;-), and I mismatch my lensthrowing with the selftimer every time.

Light: SB26 at ¼ power in a 76cm ezybox from 5:00, 2.5m high, skyport


14.12.11 by
14.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Roxy, one of the last family members beeing portraied. It setup the camera on the floor, put the food in the bowl and let her in. In one hand I had the remote controle, in the other the skyported flash, letting it bonce of the wall at 4:00.

Light: 580EX, 105mm, 1/16 power, Skyport bouncing of a white wall at 4:00


13.12.11 by
13.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

We often drink a tea together after the kids are in bed and the kitchen is done etc.
I think, this is a partnership - nuturing ritual, because we update each other upon the day we experienced. Thank you, my love, for still beeing interested in our exchange.
Manual lens here: SMC Takumar 50mm, f1,4 at f 7,2 (don't believe all the EXIFS)

Light: SB26 in a lumiquest III, boomed 50cm above our cups, 1/8 power, 24mm , skyport


12.12.11 by
12.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.
From time to time I try to do a iphone picture of the day. This is such a day. Hipstamatic iphone picture of a night scene near a trainstation abroad.

12.12.11 B by
12.12.11 B, a photo by on Flickr.
Alternative picture - I lost my head today.
Iphone Hipstamatic photo.

light: AL


11.12.11 by
11.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Simon had this idea because snow is not in sight - what is quite usual in december - but everybody would like to have white christmas, wouldn't you?

It reminds me of this joke we used to tell: There are two professors walking threw the desert. One is carrying a heavy battering ram and the other a newpaper. "Why are you carrying a heavy battering arm with you?" one askes the other after two days of walking. "If I am chased by a lion" replies the other, "I can throw it away and run faster." "Hmm." They continue to walk for another two days. Then the other Professors asks "Why do you have this newspaper with you?" "If a Lions chases me" the professors replies, "I will climb a tree and tear the newspaper in small peaces and stray them onto the lion. He will think that it is snowing and will freeze!"

LIght: SB26 with snoot from 6:00, 1/8 power, slightly under Simons headlevel, SB26 from straight above, snoot, 1/8 power, skyports


10.12.11 by
10.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.
There is this creep who breakes into homes to annoy people by lighting their advent wreath candles early.
I setup a light sensor trap and managed to make a picture of this rare species lighting the third candle saturday evening instead of sunday morning.

If you want to know what the chain of lights is made of, look at picture 7.12.11 and 17.11.11.

Making of here.

Light: MIni DIY beautydish from 7:00 pointing upwards in a 30° angle, with a Sb26, ¼ power, 24mm, 1 CTS in it and a SB26 with grid and snoot from 4:00, 1 CTB, 1/16,


9.12.11 by
9.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Funny day today - I had my usual fryday position and a interesting light set up - and then I found it tough to find a model. Florence, who is sitting behind my leg here, is a stanger who was willing to model but the bus came before I turned on the autofocus (it was turned of for this shot - go figure). So sorry Florence, no luck today. Anyway I find this shot interesting, can't realy tell you why, it has a out of the real life feeling although it is quite processed.

Light: SB26 in a mini beauty dish (DIY), ½ power, from above 6:00, 580EX at 1/16 in a Orbis kneehigh, 6:00, SB26 from 2m high 2:00, 1/64power, CTB, 85mm, Skyports.


8.12.11 by
8.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

New light is shining in my eye.
I descided to order a lastolite ezybox, 76cm big as a kit with a high stand and a fabric grid - the cheap ebay one was not the quality build you want to use every day. First impression, good pro tool, but there is a velcro missing for the inner diffuser - how can they???
You can see the grided softbox as a reflection in my iris.
Skin exagerated with bleach bypass (nik).

Light: 580EX 24mm, ½ power in a 76cm ezybox from 9:00 and above, skyport


7.12.11 by
7.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

I am just fascinated by the physialis in this stadium. The "skin" goes, the rips stay - but only on some of them.

Light: 580EX from 1.5m above, 105mm, 1/16power, slaved by 7D, white paper underneath and paper reflector from camera side - picture was turned 90° to the right.


6.12.11 by
6.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

St.Nicholas was here and I am fighting with the last 25 pictures of the project. So here is a life picture without wanting to disturb the childrens special moments with falsh etc.
The exifs go wrong on this lens (with aperture), it is a Sigma 28mm f1.8

LIght: AL


5.12.11 by
5.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Product shots today - but the cool thing is, that these products are my photographys! I made them for a toolbox dealing with the task to sexual educate mentaly handicaped people. Each board shows a person from front and behind (you can flip them over - without the black bar of course).
Beeing in my office I improvised lightwise, taking what I had available and glad I had brought my lighttent.

Light: 580EX to the ceiling +1ev, halogen lamps left and right and from above, latter handheld by Jenny


4.12.11 by
4.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

We did a christmas card foto shooting tonight which is always a sepcial actions an not always very christmaslike… But here you see Simon as a sit in model for the light - relaxed.
Lias ny the way had a very good Race (Klausenlauf in Allschwil) - he was 6th, but they scored him 8th - I am quit shure about that because I have a high speed series of shots of him overtaking the boy who was 6th 20m before the finishing line - the time keeping is difficult because the do it manualy, but whatever, he stood on the podium (the first 10) and 100s of children where behind him.

Light: 580 ½ CTS, ¼ power, 24mm, boomed overhead and with a conic snoot out of a big sheet of the black foamy thing, skyport


3.12.11 by
3.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

This is my neighbor Lukas. He dressed him and his Harley up for a special St. Nicholas charity drive through Basel. He is one of 50 bikes…
I just saw him driving away and ran out with my camera.
I tried a different look on him as a change.

Light: AL (+ postwork)


2.12.11 by
2.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Patrick walked by and ask if I would take a picture of hime again. Shure. He has a new girlfriend and is flying high - congratulations! Also to the success as a cook. It is fun to spontaniously meet streetmodels from a half year back at the same spot - the friday bust station.

Light: SB26 24mm, ½ power in a reflecting umbrella from 8:00, skyport.


1.12.11 by
1.12.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Patrick and Adi are sewer rats. They pull a plastik thing in the sewer, blow it up and harden it with UV LIght.
It was 1 AM when I got out of my office with no picture yet. Patrick and Adi where standing right in fornt of my office and they even brought their own light. Thank you for beeing there, doing that job and letting me take your picture. Send me an Email to receive your pictures.

LIght: floodlight


30.11.11 by
30.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.
Refreshment - or drowning in a bowl.
I took a facebath in a salatbowl tonight. Why? Because of Gerti, who says she likes my waterpictures. So here is a new one for you.

Setup here.

Light: 580EX with ¼ CTS, 24mm, ½ power in a Apollo softbox without frontdiffuser from 5:00 and above head, 1m away, SB26 and SB24 from 10:00 and 2:00 ¼ power, 85mm 1,5m behind me,


29.11.11 by
29.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.
A little light from left and right will make me bright.
I need some brain power and hope, the flashes will lighten me up tonight.

LIght: SB26/580EX from 10:00/2/00 1/16th power, 1m away, black foamy things as flags, 80mm, skyports


28.11.11 by
28.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Pirates of the night - robbing my time, sitting in a small hut Lias build yesterday at the Waldorfschoolbazar (see 27.11.11).
Picture made with a G11, which is realy usable in the macro modus.
No special idea today. I am not very pround about this picture, but tired.

LIght: 580EX with ¼ CTS in Lumiquest III on a cable, 24mm, 1/64 power, 5:00
SB26 1/64,, 50mm from behind the wall and above, handheld by me at 11:00


27.11.11 by
27.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Benedict, Marc, Fatima and Emanuel are constructing this incredible castle out of cookies. As far as I understood they are studying architecture - not a bad idea, when you see their skills.
Thank you for letting me take your picture.

Detail shot of inside the castle here.

Light: 430EX with foamy black thing, ¼ CTS, +1EV, bouncing of the wall right of camera


26.11.11 by
26.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Solomon Tesfamariam - Athlete from Eritrea was 10th in the Streetrun of Basel (10km). I like the paint like feeling of it.
It is a 28mm with 1/10sec and flash on second curtain, panning with the runners.

See the winners here and action there.

Light: AL + ETTL flash -1ev and manually chosen f 2.5, 1/10 sec ISO 400.


24.11.11 (1) by
24.11.11 (1), a photo by on Flickr.
Bonnie - a babys utilities vendor after work. Thank you for stepping in. Send me a Email, if you want your photo.

Light: 580EX with ¼ CTS in a 60cm Ezybox cheap copy with a grid, ¼ Power, 24mm, 430 Ex with ¼ power, , 105mm laying on the ground behind her, lighting the wall


24.11.11 by
24.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.

There is this waiter working here, who startet to light this watercastle with lightchains. Every year he aded another one. And I cam by without a shot yet, so here I go without tripod and trigger.
I miswhitebalanced on purpose to give the castle a funky look.

Light: 430EX with 1 ¾ of CTS and black foamy thing (shielding the flash towards the camera), 24mm, 1/32 power, held in my left hand and manually triggered during long exposure.


23.11.11 by
23.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Messis - no Simons new soccer shoes. But a Messi model (and shoesize?)! Simon is so proud.

Light: 580EX with grid from 2m high 12:00, ¼ power, two SB 26 at 1/64 power, 85mm, behind shoes, 11:00 and 1:00, pointing 45° back to cam


22.11.11 by
22.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Lonely Photographer walking through the night. How do I know he is a Photographer. It's me. Why lonely. Because it is past 1:00am and cold.

Light: Self mad street light (580EX in a lumiquest III, 24mm, 1/16 power, skyport.


21.11.11 by
21.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.

I won't tell the world why, just that is has nothing to do with my wife. If I look inside, its me. This picture was taken after my emotions shifted from anger to a melancholic sadness.

Light: 580EX 24mm, ¼ power, 1 CTS (don't you see it?), lumiquest III 30cm from candle straight from 3:00, skyport


20.11.11 by
20.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Bulbs in love.
I saw this lamp tonight and had enough people shots from yesterdays streetphotography day. So I shot some deatails and composed them together - a little ps a change.

Light: AL


19.11.11 by
19.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Natalie - a stranger we met during our streetshooting afternoon.
Thank you for modelling.

Light: SB26 in a lumiquest III from 50cm above her head 4:00, 1/8 power, SB26 in a Apollo softbox as fill fro 8:00, 1/16 power, SB26 85mm with ½ CTB, 1/32 power from 11:00 and 2m high


18.11.11 by
18.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Ivana - the tigress. I met her at the friday - busstation and she was cold. I guess she decided to jump because she likes to move - she is a tennis coach. So here she goes. I really like the intensity of the look and must say, she seems to have alot of talent as a model - we did seven shots and were done. Wow.
Thank you for beeing my model today and hope your evening continued to get better.

Making of here.

Light: 580EX with ¼ CTS, ½ power, 24mm, in a whit shootthrough umbrella from 4:00, 1,2m high,
SB 26 ¼ power, 20mm behind her pointing at the wall,
SB26 ½ power with snoot as hairlight from 10:00, 2m high


17.11.11 by
17.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Sometimes you don't need a flash. We always hang thes up in winter. They are called chinese lantern (Physalis alkekengi) and grow in our front garden. Even other people in the street ask for them. We cut the "cherry" out with nailscissors and fil in the xmas lamps. Here you go, chinese mini lanterna.

LIght: AL


16.11.11 by
16.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Simon came home with two new eyes he had baught: . Ok. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do, so here is the eye (it is a sweet eatable thing).

Light: 580EX threw a white umbrella, ¼ power, 24mm, from 2m high at 4:00.
SB26 in a lumiquest III, 24mm, 1/8 power,
3:00 at 3:00


15.11.11 by
15.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Modern spiked mace.

What bothers me more is the snow in the picture, coming from the post work.

Light: 580EX with red gel in a apollo softbox, full power, 24mm, behind me with a 60cm softbox and a SB26 at ¼ power with red gel an 24mm, SB 26 with black straw grid from 2:00 (hidden in the door right) with yellow gel and 1/32


14.11.11 by
14.11.11, a photo by on Flickr.

Real life photography. Simon is sick after our exiting weekend with friends. He fell asleep on our couch. What you see is homeopathic medicine and our sick manikin, who comes out of the orange sickbox and helps cure sick children. Get well soon, Simon.
I remember well beeing sick as a child and it was a mixture of being looked after a bit more than usual and some special stuff (like extra comics or so) which were the pleasant side of it.
I have the permission to shoot him sleeping, so don't worry.

Light: 580EX with ¼ CTS, ¼ power, 24mm in a 60m gridded softbox, 80cm from his head, slightly higher than his head pointing down a bit and turned away from the couch, to make a contrasty picture,