
22.6.11 by jenswinkler.ch
22.6.11, a photo by jenswinkler.ch on Flickr.

Lias - not dancing in the rain. Today the weather changed from summer to fall with a seldom Thunderstorm and we were of to swimminglessons. Lias wanted to help me with my photo of the day, but it was pooring when the time came to find somebody. So we quickly decided to change our plans and that he would be the model of the day. We both moved just out of under the roof. I had the white wall of the indoor swimming pool in my back, so I used it as a giant softbox bouncing my oncamera flash backwards over my shoulder - that is, what you see in his eyes.
Then we went swimming - indoor, and Lias was glad that it was his last lesson of this cycle. For safety reasons we want the kids to be able to swim. So they are kindly pressed to participate ;-)

Light: Ambient - 2ev, 580EX, 24mm, 1/8 power (manual mode), bouncing of the wall behind over my left shoulder.

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