
4.11.11 by jenswinkler.ch
4.11.11, a photo by jenswinkler.ch on Flickr.

This is Kwadwo, blackstar, Kenia Ghana styler.
I saw him in the groceries stores while I was looking for some bread. I waited for him to come out and asked him, if he would model - shure. His college Michael was a perfect light asistant, held my flashlight to be able to focus on his eye, his face was completly in the dark, Thank you Kwadwo (and Michael) - and send me a mail, if you want the picture for facebook or anything.

Making of here.

Light: 580EX ¼ power, 24mm in a lumiquest III from 2m high, 4:30, and a 430EX 1/8 power, 105mm with snoot from 11:00 as rimlight,

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